America Is The True Old World: The Original Africa – eBook.


This book will also further demonstrate that America is the True Old World by giving you the Original Africa and the Superior Land of Punt, Ethiopia Superior, the Biblical Garden of Eden in several places, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Pillars of Hercules, the Fountain of Youth, Radium and the golden apples of the Hesperides, and so much more. All of which have been highly sought after for the last hundreds of years.

Most people are infatuated with ancient civilizations like Sumer, Egypt, India, Babylon, Ethiopia, etc.  However, those civilizations could never be in the NEW World (the Americas), because this landmass was first discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492, which is what they teach us in school. As a result of most people believing that the Americas is the New World, most people are completely wrong about how old the Americas are and that the said ancient civilizations were also in the Americas too. This book is designed to set the record straight.


“America Is The True Old World: The Original Africa” is a ancient American history eBook about the original Africa, the Garden of Eden, the Garden of the Hesperides, the Fountain of Youth, ancient Jerusalem, Saudi Arabia,  Mecca, the Kaaba, Prophet Muhammed, Morocco, Land of Punt, the original Iberian Peninsula, the Valley of the Kings, Phoenicians, Atlantis, Ethiopia, Greece, Rome, Radium the elixir of life, Prester John, India Superior, the original Barbary Coast, etc.

This eBook will also further demonstrate that America is the original Africa and the true old world by giving you the Biblical Garden of Eden in several places, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Pillars of Hercules, the golden apples of the Hesperides, the original Mediterranean Sea, the land of the Orient: Cathay (China), the Silk Road, the tomb of Alexander the Great, and so much more. This eBook demonstrates that ancient civilizations like Sumer, Egypt, India, Babylon, Ethiopia, etc., were all in the Americas first.

You can also purchase the eBook, “America is the True old world: The Original Africa” from Amazon at:

You can also purchase this eBook version from this website since this is the author’s website. After your purchase you should get a email with a downloadable link to your purchased product. If you do not get this email link within 24-48 hours, please email me at and I will email you your eBook.

Please make sure to get volume II of this book series (eBook or paperback), because Volume II is the predecessor to “The Original Africa” and you will get more understanding from this book if you get volume II:

Please watch the YouTube video promotion for this book, here: I thank you all for your time and your support because without you all there would be no America is the True old World book series, so I consider you all to my friends. Enjoy this good read my friends. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


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