Granada land is the promised land of Israel, due to its abundance in milk (pearls) & honey (Gold). In this blog post is embedded YouTube video from Khandrop entitled, “America the promised land instead of Milk we find pearls, and Gold instead of honey.” This video is a good start to demonstrated that the Americas is the promised land, however, we have so much more evidence.


The Bestselling Book, “When Rocks Cry Out,” by Horace Butler has already demonstrated that Peru was Jerusalem and that the Kingdom of Judah is in Utah, so this chapter should be no surprise. How did Mr. Butler prove that the Kingdom of Judah was in Utah? Well he used the King James Version Bible, Deuteronomy 34:1-3, which reads as follows:

1 And Moses went up from the plains of Moab unto the mountain of Nebo, to the top of Pisgah, that is over against Jericho. And the Lord shewed him all the land of Gilead, unto Dan,

2 And all Naphtali, and the land of Ephraim, and Manasseh, and all the land of Judah, unto the utmost sea,

3 And the south, and the plain of the valley of Jericho, the city of palm trees, unto Zoar.

The strange thing about the description of the Kingdom of Judah given in Deuteronomy 34 is that all these Biblical place names can be found in Utah. Below is a list of Biblical place names in Utah (Judah) confirmed by Rabbi, Moshe Davis:

Manasseh, Utah.

Mount Nebo, Utah.

Mount Pisgah, Utah.

Jericho, Utah.

South Gilead Way, Utah

Ephraim, Utah.

Daniel, Utah (Dan is short for Daniel).

Nephi, Utah (short for Naphtali).

Moab, Utah.

Eden, Utah.
Goshen, Utah.
Jordan, Salt lake.
Mt. Carmel Junction Utah.
North Eden Canyon, Utah.
Zion Canyon, Utah.
Zion National Park, Utah.
Benjamin, Utah
Enoch, Utah.
Joseph, Utah.
Levan, Utah.
Providence, Utah.
Salem, Utah ( Salem = Jerusalem).
Utah Nickname: Beehive State.

There is a mountain in eastern Nevada named Mount Moriah and it is over 12,000 feet high. In Utah, not only is there a River Jordan, but it runs out of a freshwater lake and into the Great Salt Lake, which is remarkably like the Dead Sea. There is also a Mount Nebo in Utah, approximately 12,000 feet high, so yes…, with evidence this strong, the real Judah was in Utah. People try to say that it was the Mormons that gave these places in Utah Biblical names to support their position as Jews; however, this explanation fails miserably, because there are no 12,000 feet high mountains in modern-day Israel; therefore, the real Judah or Israel had to be in Utah, because it fits the description of the Kingdom of Judah perfectly.

The name “Utah” is derived from the name of the Ute tribe. It means “people of the mountains” in the Ute language.[16]. According to other sources “Utah” is derived from the Apache name “Yudah” which means “Tall.” In the Spanish language it was said as “Yuta,” subsequently the English-speaking people adapted the word “Utah.” There is no J in Hebrew, therefore, Judah is Yudah, especially, when you consider the fact that the J and Y have the same meaning and numerical value and are interchangeable as a result.


Why is this YouTube video that I shared, “The Sacred City of Mecca: Have we got it wrong,” correct?:  Well, because Islam comes from the Orient (the East, which is really the west). I see 10,000 butt-hurt Muslims disliked the YouTube video, well, because the truth hurts and it does not care who it offends. Now, when we include all of the Moorish/ Tartarian architecture that was in the Americas and still is, game over for the hijack. (see images of corn palaces in Iowa and in South Dakota for some examples). Islam is not foreign to the Americas, because Islam and all religions come from the Americas, since the Americas is the True old world. Everything that we have credited Africa and the Middle East for has to also be credited to the Americas too, because the Americas is the old world.

Civilization came from India Superior (Asia Major), aka, ancient India, which was in North America (see blog images). Yes, North America was once Asia, aka, the Orient (East), aka, India Superior. In this blog post is an old-world map by Orontius Finaeus from 1531 and a 1548 Spanish World map showing you India superior (Asia Major) and China being in North America, which is the true Orient or the far East. “The Orient is a term for the East”:

I did a blog post, “The Old World is the New World,” which demonstrates that the Americas is Asia Major and I gave an image of the original compass that shows you that the Far East was actually our modern-day West (see blog image). This blog post and the blog image of the original compass proves that they flipped the compass and also the maps on us, because the Americas is the True old World:

Moslem Muurs, aka, Sufis, established Islam: I talk about Mu Discovered, Atlantis found, the Kaba, and so much more in my new book, “America is the True Old World,” which can be purchased above by clicking on the purchase link above.

These European masons took a blood oath to never reveal to the children of the Moors who they truly were. As Azeem Hopkins Bey quotes in his book, “What Your History Books failed to Tell you,” George Washington Chairman of the Continental Congress of 1774 is documented saying: “If we would agree to take the Fezzes, and Turbans off the Moors’ Heads and remove the sandals from their feet and enforce it with severe punishments, and also swear a death oath between ourselves to religiously, and faith fully not allow anyone to teach the Moorish Children whom they really are or who their forefathers were. And only allow the Moorish Children to be taught that they were truly Negros, Black people and Colored Folks.” George Washington stated that 200 years from today the Moorish people would not know their nationality nor the national name of their forefathers also they would not know from which land or ancestors that they descended from.” [end quote].

Islam was in America and had a big influence on America, because you have a total of 565 names, 484 in America and 81 in Canada, of villages, towns, cities, mountains, lakes, rivers and etcetera, are etymologically Arabic; which were designated by locals long before the arrival of Columbus. Many of these names are in fact the same as names of Islamic places; Mecca in Indiana, Medina in Idaho, Medina in New York, Medina and Hazen in North Dakota, Medina in Ohio, Medina in Tennessee, Medina in Texas, Medina and Arva in Ontario, Mahomet in Illinois and Mona in Utah, are just a few noticeable names at the outset. A closer analysis of the names of native tribes will immediately reveal their Arabic etymological ancestry; Anasazi, Apache, Arawak, Arikana, Chavin, Cherokee, Cree, Hohokam, Hupa, Hopi, Makkah, Mohician, Mohawk, Nazca, Zulu, and Zuni are only a few.

Yes, Islam was everywhere in the Americas. One just has to look for it, because you can see the evidence from Queen Califia (California), to Allah-Bumya (Alabama), to Tallah-Hasse (Tallahassee), to Medina Ohio, to Moorestown New Jersey, to Islamorada Florida, and to Al-hambra California; so yes, Moslems have left a big impact on America.

What happen to the Berbers/ Saracens (Moslems) of the Americas? Well, have you ever heard of the Spanish Inquisition, via, the Dum Diversas of 1452, issued by the Pope, authorizing Christians to enslave Saracens and non-believers and to take their lands, because no one disappeared? It’s just that everyone has become ignorant. There are over 500 cities and towns in UNITED STATES named after Muslims and a huge part of Europe as well. The textbooks, History (His-Story), and education of today are all manipulated; therefore, Western Academics will not get us out of our deep sleep, because Western Academics is the Institution that has put WE THE PEOPLE (Lenape Muurs/ Washitaw) to sleep to begin with. We need our own Institutions and scholars that are not compromised by Oaths and by Western Academics.

The Moor and Islam comes from the Orient (the far East): What’s also interesting is that “Oriental means Western Scholar who Studies Islam,” according to the book, “Orientalism,” by Edward Said. Islam came from the Orient:

Additionally, if you read subsection 4 of this Delaware Law it will tell you that the Lenape Indians were formerly known as Moors: The Lenape were Delaware Muurs/ Moors, originally. However, the word Lenape means “WE THE PEOPLE” (the Preamble of the US Constitution), or “TRUE PEOPLE.” Lenape also means Serpent or dragon (Naga/Nigga). Likewise, all of the Native American tribes and Indian names like Sioux and Dakota also mean serpent or Dragon, because the Muurs/ Indians named themselves after the Serpent wisdom that they worshipped when the Muurs ruled the world:

Based upon the above, Islam did come from the Orient, but where at in the East (the Americas) did Islam come from? Did it come from Mecca Missouri, Mecca in South America, Mecca California, Media Indiana, Mecca Indiana, Morocco Indiana, or Morocco Illinois? Did it come from Sufism (Sophia), which was a science that comes from India? Do all religions come from India Superior in the Americas?: (NOTE: the video I just shared from “Liftingtheveil,” on YouTube is about India being the oldest civilization is correct, but the Video failed to specify that it was the Mayan Indians (INDIA), and not the Indian from Hindustan/ India, that actually civilized the world.)

For more evidence that Indian and Moor is one and the same is my family history. The Chavis are descendants of the Berber Cherokee Chief, Ishmael Chavis:

When you read the Chavis link I gave above, you will notice how Ishmael Chavis’ son, John Chavis, became Black and African-American, which is the current racial classification for so-called black people to this very day. How was this racial classification possible when he was the son of a Berber Muur that was a Cherokee Indian chief? This is evidence of paper genocide against the Berber Indians, aka, Muurs, because you clearly see how the Chavis family was initially Berber Muurs (Saracens), then the family became Cherokee Indians, then the family became Mulatoes, then the family became Black; and now the Chavis Family and all of the other overthrown Muurs are called African-Americans to this very day. African-American is a new term that was invented by Jesse Jackson in the 80’s when he ran for president.

According to “Christopher Columbus was Driven by 3 winds,” which can be read in its entirety at: “Columbus’s Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria were driven across the Atlantic by the same ill winds that from 1095 to 1272 launched nine European Crusades to capture Moslem Jerusalem (Granada land: Israel/ promised land). Defeated and humiliated the invaders suffered staggering human losses, left royal treasuries depleted, and convinced Christian leaders to only pay lip service to another try.

Except for Christopher Columbus. Born Christopher Colon this ambitious Genoese craved adventure, was given to religious mysticism to the point he accepted God’s personal command to free the Holy Land. He also saw God’s hand in cloud formations, splashing waves, and distant stars, and had read a religious book that convinced him the world would end in 150 years. He claimed at sea he once saw three mermaids dancing on waves, and was sure in distant lands he would meet men with tails or heads of dogs. God had chosen him specifically to see Christianity victorious “throughout the universe.” And he would follow His command to convert or destroy Moslems, Jews and other non-believers. Columbus’s earliest sea experiences were as a youth serving on Portuguese slave-trading ships along Africa’s Atlantic coast. He learned men, women and children could be captured and sold for enormous profits. With enough slaves and gold, even a lowly Columbus could finally end the infidel grip on Holy Land.” [end quote].

Now, in the eyes of the Hijack Roman Hebrews (Knights Templar), aka, the Holy Roman Empire, the Habsburg Dynasty, the Holy Land was in possession of infidels, aka, Moslems (Muurs/ Moors); therefore, the Pope authorized the Knights Templar, via, the Dum diversas of 1452 to take Moslem Jerusalem (the Americas/ Granada land, or the promised land of Israel) away from the Muurs, whom were Saracens:

Here is the Dum Diversas, which authorized the Knights Templar (knights of Christ) to conquer Saracens (Muurs/ Moors) and pagans (Hebrews/ Jews), take their possessions, and to subject them to perpetual servitude (slavery): This papal Bull and none of them were ever rescinded, which is the current problem that Muurs in the Americas face, as Saracens, whom are the RED ONES, aka, the lost Tribe of Israel. This papal Bull was issued against the Muurs, as Saracens, in order to take our Moslem-Jerusalem away from us, which was Granada land. Read this Facebook post that I wrote for evidence that the Americas is Granada (Israel/ promised land):

Notice on the 1597 map of Granada Nova, you will see the famed seven cities of Cibola, aka, the seven cities of gold, surrounding a lake on the said map.  Granada has the same name as the Pomegranate in Spanish. The Spanish word for the fruit is Granada and therefore the symbol of the promised land/ Israel, because the pomegranate appears throughout the streets of Granada in Spain, as you wander around the city. The Pomegranate is also associated with the promise land of Israel, because a pomegranate is a metaphor for the richness of the promised land of Israel (Deut. 8:8); in the Song of Solomon, Sulamith’s cheeks are compared to halves of a pomegranate (Cant. 4: 3).

The pomegranate is a symbol of life and fertility, due to the many seeds, but also as a symbol of power (imperial orb), blood and death. Pomegranates already symbolized fertility, beauty, and eternal life, in Greek and Persian mythology. The Ancient Greeks considered a pomegranate a symbol of fertility and associated it with the goddesses Demeter, Persephone, Aphrodite, and Athena.

In Christian symbolism, the numerous seeds in this fruit represent the Church, unity in faith and a community of believers; in the same vein, a pomegranate appears in depictions of Mary as ‘the Mother of the Church’. (See Madonna of the Pomegranate).

Pomegranates play an important role as a symbol of righteousness in Judaism, as they supposedly contain 613 seeds, which correspond to the 613 commandments of the Torah. Thus, at Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year), Jews eat this fruit one seed at a time, for as many wishes as possible to be fulfilled.

In Buddhism, pomegranates, peaches, and lemons are considered three blessed kinds of fruit. The pomegranate when fully bloomed resembles the shape of the 6-pointed star of David, which is a Symbol of Judah. Yes, the ole saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words,” is true in this instance.

The Koran mentions a pomegranate three times (6:99, 6:141 and 55:68), representing, for example, the good things created by God, whether earthly fruit or that of Paradise, hence it is also sometimes referred to as the ‘apple of paradise’. In the Middle Ages, the resemblance between a pomegranate and an imperial orb made it a symbol of power. Albrecht Dürer painted two portraits of Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I, holding a pomegranate, to represent the imperial orb. Since then pomegranates have been an aphrodisiac and are an ingredient of many love potions.

Now, that we know the significance of the pomegranate, let us talk more about Granada land (Israel/ Promised land), which covered a large portion of the Americas according to the maps I have shared in this chapter. The maps also show you the mythical city of Cibola, which was famous for its Seven cities of Gold. The mythical city of Quivira was one of those 7 golden cities. Quivira is now in the Kansas (sons of Khan) state region, which is in Wichita territory. We also know that Wichita is a corruption of the Washitaw Muur Empire. The Washitaw Muurs were known as the Mound Builders and the Ancient Ones. The UNITED NATIONS has already recognized the Washitaw Muurs as the oldest indigenous people on the planet.

The old maps and links show you the mythical city of Anian (Ani/ Anu), which is heavily associated with the Kingdom of the mythological Priest-King/ Dragon-King/ Black Panther, Prester John. Yes, Anian was very real. “It is in the Mythical that we have the truth.” ~ Greek proverb. My advice family is to look for the truth in every myth, because our history was so great that it was too much to hide; therefore, all of our great history that they couldn’t hide from us they just told us that it was mythical so that we would not attach ourselves to the greatness. History is especially important, because it gives you a sense of competency and it lets you know who you once were, so that you can achieve the same results again. If history were not one of the most important subjects to learn they would not have spent billions, if not trillions, of dollars hiding your history from you.

Below are additional maps that we can use as evidence. I gave the links to the maps so that you can click on the links, so you can zoom in and see it for yourself.

1650, Barry Lawrence Ruderman Map of America from the Stanford Library: Notice that this map shows you Cibola, Granada, and Quivira. Please click on the link I gave from the Stanford University library, so that you can zoom in to see it better.

1683, Manesson-Mallet, Allain, map of California and New Mexico. Please click on the link I gave from the Stanford University library, so that you can zoom in to see it better. Notice Nueva Granada on the map when you zoom in:…/…/gr011nv4870

1660, Doncker, Hendrick, map of Nueva Granada and California as an Island. Please click on the link I gave from the Stanford University library, so that you can zoom in to see it better. Notice Nueva Granada on the map when you zoom in:…/…/qt469cf8909.

1666, Loon, J. van, map of Nova Granada and California as an Island. Please click on the link I gave from the Stanford University library, so that you can zoom in to see it better. Notice Nova Granada on the map when you zoom in:…/…/zy439mc5915.

1711 Map of California as an Island and the Gulf of California or Red Sea:…/…/xy324jt5865. The significance of this map is that it is further evidence to prove that the Americas is the promised land, aka, Granada, because the Khalifa Muurs or Israelites from California had to cross the Red Sea to get to Granada, aka, the Promised land/Israel, which is the land of Milk and Honey, due to its abundance of resources (wealth); especially, Gold (Honey) and Pearls/ Precious stones (Milk). Khandrop on YouTube did a great video to demonstrate that the Americas is the promised land:

RFG Chosen One did a great youtube video called, “The Americas – The True Egypt and Israel”:, in which he explained that the America’s has more natural resources than Africa. I agree with him too.

Here is another Red Sea map. This 1719 Map of California shows you California as an Island and the Gulf of California or Red Sea:…/…/yc810rj3545.

Here is the Old Testament Map of America and it is another Red Sea map (see blog image). This map shows you Moab, Jerusalem, Egypt, Babylon, Mesopotamia, and etc. Notice the Red Sea that separates California from Granada land/ the promised land of Israel.

Also, in this blog post is a 1745 map of the state of  California by R. W. Seale. This 1745 map shows you the State of California as an Island and it shows you that the Island of California was separated from Granada land (the rest of mainland America) by the Red Sea or the California sea. The Interesting thing about this 1745 map is that the map cartographer R. W. Seale said that he made this 1745 map as a satire, lol. No…, this map is no Satire and it is very real; especially, when you consider the other maps and links that confirm that California was once an Island separated from the promised land or Granada land by the Red Sea. Its too much evidence to say that this 1745 map is satire.


According to the Exodus story of the Bible found in the Book of Exodus 14:1-30, Moses led the Israelites from Egypt to the Promised land, but they had to cross the Red Sea to get to the Promised land (Granada land), because they were being chased by the Egyptians. Moses parted the Red Sea with his Rod or staff so that the Children of Israel could cross over to the promised land. The Egyptians that pursed Moses and the Israelites were drowned in the Red sea. So far, you have seen maps and links showing you the state of California as an island and being seperated by the Red sea from Granada land/ the promised land of Israel.

The interesting thing about the landmass on the other side of the Red Sea, which was Granada land (see blog image and links of maps), is that Granada means Israel or the Promised land, since the word Granada, literally means “pomegranate” in Spanish. The Pomegranate is a symbol of the Star of David (a symbol of Judah/ Israel), because when this fruit is fully bloomed it resembles the 6-pointed star of David (see blog image). Previously, I demonstrated the power and riches of Granada land (Israel/ Promised land) by proving that the mythical 7 golden cities of Cibola were real. Cibola (Shamballa) is the origin of the word Calalus. Calalus, which was a Roman Jewish Colony in America, means promised land. Additionally, the State of California has it owns Holy land in San Diego, California called “Tierra Santa.” Tierra Santa, Spanish for “holy land,” or “holy ground”, is a community within the city of San Diego, California. California is also called the Golden State, because of its abundance of Gold and it is famous for its Gold Rush.

Just to support the videos I shared from Khandrop and RFG the Chosen one, about the Americas being the land of Milk and Honey, we have to also factor in the Golden Kingdom of Queen Khalifa (Califia) in California and the seven cities of Cibola, which was surrounded by a lake in Granada Land. Queen Khalifa was a Muurish Empress whose empire stretched from Hawaii to South America. History writes off Queen Khalifa as a Spanish Myth, because she went to war with the Spanish. However, Queen Khalifa was no myth. She was real and she ruled over the Cushites or Ethiopians in the Land of Cush (the Americas).

Evidence to suggest that Queen Khalifa was real is the fact that she ruled over an Island. The evidence in this post confirms that the state of California, which was named after Queen Califia, was once an Island that was separated by the Red Sea from the Promised land of Israel or Granada Land (the rest of mainland America). More Evidence that Queen Califia was no myth is the fact that the seal of the State of California bears her image (see blog image). Also, a team of researchers has confirmed that Queen Khalifa and her Amazons were very real. This article is entitled, “The History of Queen Califia and the California Blacks:”  The DC Comic Book Character, “Wonder Woman,” is based off of Queen Khalifa, because Queen Khalifa was a witch (a Priest-Queen) and a great warrior. Queen Khalifa was basically a female Prester John.

Totonteac is also one of the mythical golden cities of Cibola, so yes there was more than Seven golden cities of Cibola. Totonteac is also on virtually all the Granada maps that I shared in this blog, so yes it did exist too. There were 9 cities of gold in Granada Land if you add in the golden city of Quivira, Totonteac, and the 7 cities of Gold that surround the lake in Granada Land. There were more than 9 because Queen Khalifa had a Golden Kingdom in California. Queen Khalifa use to walk around on gold dust because her Kingdom was just that rich. Plus, there were cities of Gold in Central and South America too that we can also factor in. The interesting thing about Totonteac is that Area 51 is built on top of this ancient golden city!

We know that Granada is associated with Maurs/ Muurs/ Moors, aka, Hebrew Israelite Muurs, because Granada was the Alma Mater of the Muurs; and I found a book, “The Anatomy of Melancholy: What it Is, with All the Kinds Causes, Symptomes,” by Robert Burton, from 1628 that describes a inhabitant of Totonteac as being a Barbarian (which is just code for Berber/ Negro/ Indian) from Totonteac (see blog image of the Book diagram). Notice that the book quote also refers to the inhabitant of Tontonteac as a ‘Saldanian Negro.’ Saladin was an Islamic Blackamoor that was a General that fought during the Medieval crusades. This is significant because if a major Golden city like Totonteac had melanite (dark or Black) inhabitants that means that the other cities of Granada Land were just as melanite.

According to the online etymological dictionary, which is 21 different sources, we read this for the etymology of the name Moor: “North African, Berber,” late 14c., from O.Fr. More, from M.L. Morus, from L. Maurus “inhabitant of Mauritania,” from Gk. Mauros, perhaps a native name, or else cognate with mauros “black.” Being a dark people in relation to Europeans, their name in the Middle Ages was asynonym for “Negro;” later (16c.-17c.) used indiscriminately of Muslims (Persians, Arabs, etc.) but especially those in India. If you notice the second definition in the etymon, the name Moor also means “Berber” which is one of our ancient race names as well. In the Negro Laws of South Carolina of 1839 reads as such: “The term Negro is confined to slave Africans (Ancient Berbers) and their descendants.”[2] [1] The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol. 11: The High Empire, A.D. 70-192. (see image of the Negro Law that states that Negroes are descendants of the Ancient Berbers).

Indians were also called Niggers, which is a noun and adjective, according to the Oxford English Dictionary . (See Oxford Definition 3.a.). The Black/Copper color people that inhabit the continents from Canada until Argentina have been called the Americans since almost 100,000 years before even the USA existed as a country. Mahogany is a reddish-brown color. It is approximately the color of the wood mahogany. American (AMER’ICAN), adjective pertaining to America. AMER’ICAN, noun: a native of America; originally applied to the aboriginals, or copper-colored races, found here by the Europeans; but now applied to the descendants of Europeans born in America. Websters Dictionary 1828 – Webster’s Dictionary 1828 – American:

The Coronado Expedition (Invasion) had nothing to do with race, since the invasion was all about seizing Granada Land/ the promised land of Israel from the Moslems, but mostly, the seven golden cities of Cibola, in which he found. Unfortunately, those seven cities of Gold were looted and the gold was shipped to Rome (the Vatican), England, Spain, France, London, and other Illuminati families. The Gold that was taken from the Americas enabled the Illuminati to take over the world, so now you all understand why Rome (the Eagle/ the phoenix) had to take the gold that once belonged to and was guarded by the Naga/ Dragon people, whom are the Chosen people.

Why were all of the Corn Places destroyed, except for the First Corn palace in South Dakota (dragon/ serpent), which still exists? Well, because the buildings did not fit in with the current narrative of the Americas being a uncivilized, New World, so most of the old world, pre-mud flood, buildings were either destroyed or converted into federal buildings, courthouses, Governor’s mansion, Capital buildings,  post offices, state buildings, Universities, and etc. Freemasonry also means, “the masonry that was free,” because all Europeans had to do was dig out these Moorish/ Tartarian structures from the mud after the great comet of 1811-1812, had completely destroyed the Old World Order, via, massive earthquakes, massive tidal waves, massive Volcano eruptions, a great mud flood, and etc.

Please, read this Facebook post I wrote About the Fairhaven Hotel, because this post proves that it was a great mud flood that destroyed the Old World order that was ruled by Muurs. The legend of Fairhaven is that it was built by Vikings. I can believe that because the Vikings were Saracens/ Berbers and they allegedly discovered America first:

For more mud flood evidence, please check out the Tampa Bay (Bey) Hotel. Look at that beautiful Tartarian red brick:

The US Capitol Building and all of the State Capitol Buildings in the UNITED STATES display Gothic and Greco-Roman Architecture, which is Moorish/ Tartarian craftsmanship. Yes, the Cherokee where the Real Romans and they built all of the Greco-Roman Architecture and the Cherokee Gothic Architecture in the Americas:

Please read my blog from a few days ago, entitled, “Were the Muurs really the biggest Race Traitors and Sellouts,” because the information relates to this post.  Please, like and subscribe to my blog, because there’s more to come. Thanks for listening and please donate to my cause of research because it takes resources to continue to bring you all this information.