“America is the Old World.”
Rewriting History by Proving that America is the Old World:
America is the Old World is an understatement in my book, because the evidence is overwhelming to suggest that there is nothing new about the Americas. In fact, the author Amunhotep Chavis El-Bey, has written a new history book, entitled, “America is the True Old World” (Vol., I), that is destined to rewrite the history books. How? Well, due to the topics of the book, if proven correct, the old world is supposed to be the East and not in the West.
This book reveals the discovery of the Lost Continent of Mu, the discovery of Atlantis, the discovery of the Garden of Eden, Ancient India, Ancient Sumer, and so much more. This book has 40 color illustrations to highlight the Beauty of the Old World. This book is volume I of an IV volume book series that covers 12 chapters, so there is more to come.
America is the True Old World is an open challenge to all scholars, whether they be professional or amateur scholars. I don’t rely on any degrees from western Colleges to qualify me to author this book, because I will let the evidence that I present qualify this book as factual. I am of the firm belief that it is the current established western academia model of history, which is the Out of Africa Theory, is the main reason why none of the discoveries listed in this book series are not known and are not talked about if known.”
Why? Well… because no one wants to go against established western academia. To go against Western Academia is to be label a fraud and an incompetent person, so I understand why the information in this book is not known or not talked about either. We are in the age of Aquarius, which is the Information Age/ the Age of Knowing (knowledge), so everything that was hidden will come to light.
Over the last hundreds of years, people have been infatuated with ancient civilizations like Ancient Sumer, Ancient Egypt, and Ancient India. However, those civilizations could never be in the NEW World (the Americas), because this landmass was first discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492, which is what they teach us in school.
As a result of most people believing in the false notion that the Americas is the New World, most people are completely wrong about how old the Americas are, and that the said ancient civilizations were also in the Americas too, because the Americas is the Old World, in which all of these ancient civilizations stem from. However, this book is designed to set the record straight.
I assure you that after reading America is the True Old World, you will come to the conclusion that, “The New World is the old world,” which should be a new slogan, because the evidence to support my claims is overwhelming. Below are some gallery images just to demonstrate even further that America is the true Old World. In Addition, please view the “Book Sample” page for America is the True Old World, because you will find even more evidence to support the fact that America is the Old World.
The Americas is the Oldest Landmass:
Further evidence to support the fact that America is the Old World can be found in the book “Queen Moo and the Egyptian Sphinx,” by Augustus Le Plongeon. The Mayas where the ancestors of the Egyptians. “Like the Mayas, the Egyptians regarded the West as the region of Darkness, the place where the souls of the dead return to the bosom of their ancestors in the realm of Amenti. There King Osiris sat on a throne in the midst of the waters; there, also, it was that Thoth performed his office of scribe was, then, the worship of the Cynocephalus, his totem, brought to Egypt from the Lands of the West.”
“Pythagoras borrowed his knowledge of numbers and their meanings from the Egyptians. Theses received their science from the Mayas, those Civilized strangers, their ancestors, who in remote ages, coming from the East and from the West, had settled and brought Civilization to the banks of the Nile. Such being the case, it is but natural that we should find the same doctrine regarding Cosmogony and the meaning of numbers in Mayach, their Mother Country in the ‘Lands of the West.’” (See “Queen Moo and the Egyptian Sphinx,” by Augustus Le Plongeon).
“The Maya sages doubtless had reached similar conclusions, since they called their country Mayach; that is the land that first emerged from the bosom of the Deep, the country of the Shoot; and the Egyptians, according to Herodotus, boasted that their ancestors in the land of the West were the oldest men on Earth.” (See “Queen Moo and the Egyptian Sphinx,” by Augustus Le Plongeon).
Evidence to support the above statement coming from the Queen Moo book, “Mayach – that is the land that first emerged from the bosom of the Deep,” can be found in Jean Louis Agassiz’s book “Geological Sketches (1866),” Chapter 1 – “America is the Old World.” According to Jean Louis Rodolphe Agassiz, a renowned biologist and geologist from Harvard, America is the Old World, and he states as follows:
“First born among continents, America has been falsely denominated the New World. Hers was the first dry land lifted out of the Waters, hers was the first shore washed by the ocean that enveloped all the earth besides; and while Europe was represented only by islands rising here and there above the sea, America (Atlantis) already stretched in an unbroken line of land from Nova Scotia to the far West.” [End quote].

This is an image of an Olmec Head. The phenotype is undoubtedly that of a Blackamoor and the Headdress resembles a Fez.
The true birthplace of civilization.
The book, “America is the true Old World,” demonstrates that beloved and renowned scholars like Dr. Ben, Dr. John Henrik Clarke, Dr. Diop, Dr. Ivan van Sertima, etc., were wrong about Africa being the birthplace of civilization, because the oldest mummies (the Spirit Cave Mummy and the Chinchorro mummies) are in the Americas.
Therefore, scholars should be looking in the Americas for the oldest civilizations, because the oldest mummies are in the Americas. This means that scholars’ scientific approach on where to look should be completely opposite, because common sense tells us to look where the oldest prepared (mummified) human remains are, which is in the Americas.
“America is the True Old World,” is definitely a good start to laying a good firm foundation to rewrite history, because how can life only start in one half of the World (Africa and the Middle East) and not everywhere, when God is supposed to be a perfect creator being? You see, there are holes all in the Out of Africa Theory when you think about it.
Therefore, Pan-Africanism, which is now a religion, is a concept that was given to us by accredited (western academics) Negro scholars who got it all wrong, because the Americas is Atlantis, which is the mother country of Egypt. This book demonstrates that the Americas is the true old world, because it was the Maya Indians who civilized the Ancient Egyptians, the Ancient Indians, and the Ancient Sumerians.
In this post is an image of an Olmec head. The Olmec’s (old Mexicans) were your first Americas and your first humans too. The Olmecs were some of the survivors of the Atlantis disaster. I say this because no Olmec head has been found in Africa, so therefore, the Olmec’s did not come from Africa, which is contrary to what western academia believes.
The Olmec head image in this post is undoubtedly that of a Mu’ur/ Moor (Negro) from Mu. Mu means Mother, according to James Churchward in the Lost continent of Mu, book. The Olmecs were Mu’urs, because they come from MU/ Meru/ Meri/ Mary/ Mry/ MR.
MU is code for Mu’urs (Moors). The headdress of the Olmec resembles a Fez. You can even see the tassel on the front of the fez, and you can see tassels on the back of the Fez too with the other Olmec image I have shared in this post of the back view of the Olmec head.
The true birthplace of civilization.
This book, “America is the True Old World,” demonstrates that beloved and renowned scholars like Dr. Ben, Dr. John Henrik Clarke, Dr. Diop, Dr. Ivan van Sertima, etc., were wrong about Africa being the birthplace of civilization, because the oldest mummies (the Spirit Cave Mummy and the Chinchorro mummies) are in the Americas.
Therefore, scholars should be looking in the Americas for the oldest civilizations, because the oldest mummies are in the Americas. This means that scholar’s scientific approach on where to look should be completely opposite, because common sense tells us to look where the oldest prepared (mummified) human remains are, which is in the Americas.
“America is the True Old World,” is definitely a good start to laying a good firm foundation to rewrite history, because how can life only start in one half of the World (Africa and the Middle East) and not everywhere, when God is supposed to be a perfect creator being? You see, there are holes all in the Out of Africa Theory when you think about it.
Therefore, Pan-Africanism, which is now a religion, is a concept that was given to us by accredited (western academics) Negro scholars who got it all wrong, because the Americas is Atlantis, which is the mother country of Egypt. This book will also prove that the Americas is the true old world and that the Maya Indians civilized the Ancient Egyptians, the Ancient Indians, and the Ancient Sumerians.
In this post is an image of an Olmec head. The Olmec’s (old Mexicans) were your first Americas and your first humans too. The Olmecs were some of the survivors of the Atlantis disaster. I say this because no Olmec head has been found in Africa, so therefore the Olmec’s did not come from Africa, which is contrary to what western academia believes.
The Olmec head image in this post is undoubtedly that of a Mu’ur/ Moor (Negro) from Mu. Mu means Mother, according to James Churchward in the Lost continent of Mu, book. The Olmecs were Mu’urs, because they come from MU/ Meru/ Meri/ Mary/ Mry/ MR.
MU is code for Mu’urs (Moors). The headdress of the Olmec resembles a Fez. You can even see the tassel on the front of the fez, and you can see tassels on the back of the Fez too with the other Olmec image I have shared in this post of the back view of the Olmec head.

This is an image of an Olmec Head. The phenotype is undoubtedly that of a Blackamoor and the Headdress resembles a Fez.
America is Atlantis.
Atlantis was in the Americas because of place names like the Atlantic (Atlantis) Ocean, Atlanta, Georgia, and Atzland State Park in Wisconsin (sons of Wakanda). Also, Atlantis was in Mexico according to the Book, “India Once Ruled the Americas”, by Gene Matlock. Additionally, Atlantis was in Mexico, according to Dr. Clyde Winters’ book, “Atlantis in Mexico.”
Also, here is a Globe/ Orb (1600’s) of the Americas being described as the Atlantic Insula from the Stanford University Library, by Sanson, Nicolas, 1600-1667 and Mortier, Pierre. Please click on this link of this map so that you can zoom in and see it for yourself: https://exhibits.stanford.edu/california-as-an-island/catalog/fm706sb1090. I just shared an authenticated 1600’s Nicolas Sanson map that was created by renowned French cartographer, (termed by some the Creator of French Geography), Nicolas Sanson. This map shows the Americas as the Atlantis Insula.
Additionally, here is a 1600’s map of the Americas being described as the Atlantic Insula from the Stanford University Library, by Nicolas Sanson. Please click on this link of this map so that you can zoom in and see it for yourself: https://exhibits.stanford.edu/california-as-a…/…/yq819xv4507.
Further evidence that the Americas is Atlantis is in the Book, “Ancient Mystic Oriental Masonry,” by R. Swinburne Clymer (1907), which reveals that religion and masonry originated in America and not in Egypt:
“We are not indebted to either ancient Egypt for either religion or Masonry, but to America. It is a fact that at Memphis, Egypt, in the pyramids, under the guidance of the Kings, the Mystic Rites of Masonry were worked many thousands of years ago, but at the time Egypt and the continent of America were one and the same. In America, re-discovered in the Fifteenth Century and repopulated in the seventeenth, was recovered Egypt and the promised land, or the land of the constellation of the Eagle” [End quote].
The above quote is a significant statement, because Thoth the Atlantean Priest-King and founder of Egypt and all of the arts and sciences, had to come from the Americas, since religion and Masonry come from the Americas, and since America is the true old world.

This is the back of an Olmec Headdress, and you can see several tassels.