American History

The Giant Muurs that Ruled the Americas.

Peace friends, in this blog post, “The Giant Muurs that Ruled the Americas,” is an Old World 1671 painting of a Muurish Warrior Indian Chief (Sheik/ Sherif/ Sheriff). Notice his giant size, which suggests that the Americas was ruled by Giant Amurru-Khans/ Amuri-Khans (Muurs from Mu/Atlantis). This drop ties in with a previous blog post that I did called, “The Americas is Atlantis and the Origin of the Ancient Egyptian Civilization:  This blog post discusses giants, Atlantis, Mu, and more.

I also did a blog post called, “Old World Giants and Giant Books,” that demonstrates that we were all once all giants/ titans: This blog discusses giants/ titan beings, Tartaria (Tartary), giant books, and more. So not only do we have giant books as evidence, but we also have giant typewriters too as proof.  In this post is an image of a giant underwood master typewriter that weights 28,000 pounds, which is 14 tons. This giant typewriter is from the Palace of Liberal Arts that was an exhibit at the 1915 San Francisco, Panama–Pacific International Exposition, which was a world’s fair held in San Francisco, California, United States, from February 20 to December 4, 1915.

These world’s fairs happened all over the world, but several places in the America like San Francisco, New York, Chicago, St. Louis, Jamestown Virginia, Seattle, and etc. This means that America had cities and towns that where full of Tartarian (Muurish/ Turkish) tech and architecture. To get an example of how the Americas looked like before the overthrow of the Muurs/ Tartars/ Turks, in 1865-70’s after the Southern Ishmaelites (Muurs/ Turks) lost the Civil War and after the Reconstruction Act(s), please read this Facebook post I did on the 1905 Jamestown Exposition to see how grand the Americas looked: The World’s Fair of the World is where they put all of the Tartarian technology and buildings on displayed before they destroyed them to hide the previous advanced civilization of Berber Indians, aka, Blackamoors.

In this post is a YouTube video entitled, “Proof that Giants Once Existed.” This video gives you overwhelming evidence that giants once existed. I like the start of the video from 0:50-1:00, about the discovery of a 9′ foot tall giant found in a 180 square mile cave [Egyptian city] with hieroglyphic like writings on the walls, in Death Valley, which is a desert valley in Eastern California, Near Las Vegas, Nevada. The interesting thing about states like California, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, Missouri, and Texas is that those American States were once part of Utah territory. Utah is Ptah, which is also Judah, and the Americas was Ancient Egypt:

Giant Egyptian mummies, Egyptian temples, and hieroglyphic writings were found in 1905, in the Grand canyon by two Smithsonian-funded archaeologists, Prof. S. A. Jordan and G.E. Kinkaid, according to the April 5, 1909 edition of the Arizona Gazette. Of course, the Smithsonian covered this evidence up, because it goes against the false narrative of the Americas being a new and uncivilized world that was first discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492. This evidence would have rewrote history, so the Smithsonian Institute had to coverup this find:

In addition, according to the book, “Ice: the Ultimate Disaster,” by Richard Noone, you had ancient Egyptians in Maine that were writing hieroglyphics in the 1700’s; Memphis, Tennessee was named from Egyptians that traveled to that land; and in Oklahoma in the 1800’s, a stele of Pharaoh Akhenaton (Amunhotep IV, aka, Moses of the Bible) was found before they knew who Akhenaton was. Additionally, in the book, “America BC,” by Barry Fell, there is an alabaster egg of a cartouche of King Tut found in Idaho: Now, that we know that the Americas was Ancient Egypt, let’s get back to the topic of giants that ruled the Americas.

The Holy Bible in Genesis 6:4, speaks of giants on the earth: Genesis 6:4 – “There were giants in the earth in those days.” I know we need more than Biblical evidence to prove the existence of giants, well.., the Smithsonian has admitted to destroying thousands of giant human skeletons in the early 1900’s: Yes, we have a Smithsonian coverup here, which explains why the masses think that giants are myths and fairytales. Additionally, we have to consider the quote by former president Abraham Lincoln in 1848: “The eyes of that species of extinct giants, whose bones fill the mounds of America, have gazed on Niagara as our eyes do now.” Abraham Lincoln himself confirmed the existence of giants. In this post is an image of Lincoln’s 1848 quote.

Also, notice in the Old World painting of the giant Muurish Chief that he is wearing  a feathered-headdress with a Crescent moon headband and with big hoop gold earrings, which is a custom of the Muurs/ Moors, so yes, this was a Muurish Indian (India) Chief/ Sheik of India Superior (the Americas), the Orient (East), aka, Asia Major. Here is a blog post that I did proving the Americas is Ancient India. The blog is called the Old World is the New World, because the Americas is Asia Major”: . This blog post discusses Ancient India (Asia Major/ the Orient), the original compass, Atlantis, and much more.

Additionally, the Old World painting shows the Muurish Sheik holding the 8 pointed Blue Cross and shield of Direction: North, West, South, East, North-West, North-East, South-West, and South-East; because it’s all about knowing how to navigate your way through life and knowing who you are. This Muurish Sheik (Chief) is also posing behind a giant robe with a red (Bey/ Order) exterior and a blue (El/ Law) interior, which equals purple. Purple is highest color light in the light spectrum, and it is a cosmic royal color that signifies power and royalty, hence, law (El) and order (Bey). The United States Constitution is based off of Royal Moslem law and the system of El-Bey or Law and Order: This is very evident too with the current model of the United States governmental system of Democratic (Blue/ El) and Republican (Red/ Bey) party.

The True Meaning of the Skull & Bones Symbol:

Law and Order is a very ancient custom that was first recorded in Kemet (Egypt) with the Goddess Maat, who holds the scales of Justice in the Judgment Hall of Osiris (the Christ). Maat is the origin of the word Math. Maat was also the wife of the Egyptian god Thoth (Thought) or Tahuti (Technique/ Tech). Maat symbolizes law and order or balance, hence, balancing the scales of Justice, which in reality means to balance the creative male and female sources (forces) of the Universe, to become ONE with the source or the ALL (Allah). All of spirituality is based around the principles of Law and order, which is balancing the scales of justice, and the principle of you becoming something greater, or either you reuniting to the father (the ALL or Christ) through the son (soul/ Jesus). All one and the same principle of love making, which is unification of the male and females forces to create perfect harmony/balance (love). This is true Justice! Read more about law and order right here, please:

The Muurs/ Moors became the Custodians of the Egyptian Mysterious when Egypt fell according to the book, “Stolen Legacy,” by George G. James. Maur (Moor/ Muur) means a high priest of Anu according to a book called, “The Teachings of Ptahhotep the oldest Book in the world,” by Asa G. Hilliard.

The Old World painting also shows the Muurish Sheik posing behind the blue shield (blue interior of the robe), the law (the Legislative Branch), which is backed or enforced by the red exterior, which is the Order (enforcement/ Executive Branch and the Judiciary). The Blue Interior of the robe, the law, has Skulls and crossbones on it. But why? Well, because the law is very philosophical, which is a El (elite/ elder) function that requires great thought (Thoth/ Hermes). It requires wisdom to govern others according to their own Karma. The philosopher, the El, writes the law and is therefore the law giver. The Bey (Bailiff/ Governor) enforces the written law and is therefore the law enforcer. Together, the EL-Bey, equals law and order or Justice (Maat).

Pi is the most important number in the universe:

Pi is the most important number in the universe, because it represent the human Skull. The Human skull is composed of 22 bones with seven openings or holes in the human head (2 eyes, 2 ears, 1 mouth, and 2 nostrils = 7 openings). 22/7 (22 divided by 7) is of course 3.14, which is Pi. Pi is the mathematical numerical of the universe and is the most important number in the universe, because we use Pi to gauge the circumference of a circle (cycle); which has no beginning and no ending. Please, read more about Pi or 3.14, right here:

A circle is a complete measurement, because it equals 360 degrees. A circle or zero is God in a mathematical sense, because it was the zero or circle that was the first number, and the zero created the positive one (1), because the zero created the positive Hero/ Heru/ Horus that created all other numbers. Please read how simple mathematics can explain God:

Yes, the Order of the Skull and Bones first belonged to the Muurs and it is just code for Pi (3.14) or 22/7, the place (palace) of thought (Thoth). Thought is very important, because all things start with a thought. Embedded in this post is a YouTube Video called the symbols of power part 1: Skull & Bones. This video shows you the importance of the Skull & Bones symbol which deals with human thought or human creation. Okay.., I am pretty sure that we can all agree that the human Skull (22 bones and 7 openings) is sacred or God with a small g (god), because it governs the human body and it is the place (palace) of thought (Thoth) where all creation begins.

What about the X or the Hebrew/Phoenician Taw (X) that is under the Skull? Well, as Saracens (sons of Saint Sara/ sons of Mary/ sons of Isis), the Muurs, are the red men (Indians) or the Red Ones, aka, the Lost Tribe of Israel. The X is a sign of our Holy Covenant (X marks the spot), as the chosen people, with the creator, and yes… we are the X-Men: Notice, how the Skull governs the X, the Holy covenant, because the Skull rests on top of the X. Well, this is a very high principle, because good (God) thoughts equal a Holy Order or a Holy Body of men and women. Good thoughts keep you vibrating at a high frequency and good thoughts produce good actions and goodwill.

Ancient Egypt was a global Blackamoor civilization:

Yes, Ancient Egypt was a global Blackamoor Civilization, because the Americas was a Negro Continent prior to conquest: . The Hub or headquarters of Ancient Egypt was in the Americas, because the Americas is Atlantis and Ancient Egypt: The blog link that I just shared gives you 10 reasons why the Americas was Ancient Egypt. Blog proves that Thoth, the Atlantean/Mu priest-king was from the Americas and much more. The blog is a good read.

The word Jew comes from the Ancient Egyptian god Thoth/ Djehuty/ Hermes/Tahuti. Djehuty (Thoth/ Hermes) is sometimes alternatively rendered as Jehuti, Jehuty, Tahuti, Tehuti, Zehuti, Techu, Tech, or Tetu. The word Jew is derived from Djewity. Also, the word Deity is also derived from the Ancient Egyptian God Djehuty/ Tahuti. All Knowledge comes from Egypt (the Americas), including religions like Judaism. Read a master text written by renowned Egyptologist, Gerald Massey, “Ancient Egypt: the light of the world.”

Regardless of what name, title, or Tribe you all what to give the Ancient Egyptians, they were the Children of the sun (God’s chosen people) and; therefore, dark as a result of being chosen or kissed by the sun/ son. The sun loves Black people. I’m just saying. The sun energizes us just like the sun does for all-natural life to this planet.

The Lemurians (Mu’urs), Egyptians, Atlanteans, Sumerians, Hebrews, Moors and etc., is all one and the same people, i.e., God’s chosen people, because we are the children of the sun. They mixed the hell out of us to divide and conquer. Here is a little hint: all of these religions come from Egypt, but guess what, Egypt of the west is the so-called new world, which is actually the old world. The Nile River is the Mississippi river. Egyptian temples and Hieroglyphics have been found in the Grand Canyon. You have more pyramids on the South American land mass than all of Africa and the pyramids over in the Americas are step pyramids which are older pyramids. Hebrew, Arabic, and Greek are all derived from the Medu Neter (Hieroglyphics), aka, the word of God. Jerusalem is actually Herusalem. Heru/ Horus/ Hero is where Jesus was copied from. Even the Cross was copied from the ancient Egyptian Ankh.


Hello, my name is Amunhotep Chavis El-Bey, and I am proud to introduce to you my new eBook entitled, “America is the True Old World,” but first let me tell you more about myself. I am an honorary 33-degree mason, Metaphysician, Historian, Philosopher, Paralegal, Researcher, Poet, Published Author, Crown Knight of Kush, and Ghostwriter. I spend most of my time with my family and friends, so I do consider myself to be a family man and a team player.

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