Granada land

Punt was in the Americas

Punt was in the Americas is a necessary blog post to further demonstrate that America is the True Old World…

5 months ago

Imperial Rome and Italy Superior

Imperial Rome and Italy Superior is a necessary post to explain the Venetian (Italian) influence of Florida, formally, called La…

2 years ago

The Ottoman Empire in the Americas

"The Ottoman Empire in the Americas," is a necessary post to establish the Moroccan presence in the Americas since the…

2 years ago

Adolf Hitler was a Blackamoor

Adolf Hitler was a Blackamoor, according to the Congressional Record Proceedings and Debates of the United States Congress, which was…

2 years ago

Greater Morocco was in the Americas

"Greater Morocco was in the Americas," is a necessary post to demonstrate that both Moors and Islam are indigenous to…

2 years ago

Old Canaan in the New World

"Old Canaan in the New World," is a blog that features the book, "Old Canaan in a New World: Native…

3 years ago

Gibraltar of the West

Gibraltar of the West will settle any doubts if you still don't believe that America is the true old world,…

3 years ago

Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome in America.

This blog, "Ancient Greece and ancient Rome was in America," will prove beyond doubt that this is a factual statement.…

4 years ago

Granada Land is the Promised Land of Israel

Granada land is the promised land of Israel, due to its abundance in milk (pearls) & honey (Gold). In this…

4 years ago