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    The American Mediterranean Sea. America is the True Old World: The Original Africa - Hardcover
    America is the True Old World: The Original Africa, is an ancient American history book about the original Africa, the Garden of Eden, the Garden of the Hesperides, the Fountain of Youth, ancient Jerusalem, Saudi Arabia, Mecca, the Kaaba, Prophet Muhammed, Morocco, Land of Punt, the original Iberian Peninsula, the original Valley of the Kings, the Phoenicians, Atlantis, Ethiopia, ancient Greece, ancient Rome, Radium the elixir of life, Prester John, India Superior, the original Barbary Coast, etc. This American history book will also further demonstrate that America is the original Africa and the true old world by giving you the Biblical Garden of Eden in several places, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Pillars of Hercules, the golden apples of the Hesperides, the original Mediterranean Sea, the land of the Orient: Cathay (China), the Silk Road, the tomb of Alexander the Great, and so much more. This book demonstrates that ancient civilizations like Sumer, Egypt, India, Babylon, Ethiopia, etc., were all in the Americas first.
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    The American Mediterranean Sea. America Is The True Old World: The Original Africa.
    America is the True Old World: The Original Africa, is an ancient American history book about the original Africa, the Garden of Eden, the Garden of the Hesperides, the Fountain of Youth, ancient Jerusalem, Saudi Arabia, Mecca, the Kaaba, Prophet Muhammed, Morocco, Land of Punt, the original Iberian Peninsula, the original Valley of the Kings, the Phoenicians, Atlantis, Ethiopia, ancient Greece, ancient Rome, Radium the elixir of life, Prester John, India Superior, the original Barbary Coast, etc. This American history book will also further demonstrate that America is the original Africa and the true old world by giving you the Biblical Garden of Eden in several places, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Pillars of Hercules, the golden apples of the Hesperides, the original Mediterranean Sea, the land of the Orient: Cathay (China), the Silk Road, the tomb of Alexander the Great, and so much more. This book demonstrates that ancient civilizations like Sumer, Egypt, India, Babylon, Ethiopia, etc., were all in the Americas first.
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    The Kabah is a Naga-Maya site. This is the original Kaaba. America Is The True Old World: The Original Africa.
    This book will also further demonstrate that America is the True Old World by giving you the Original Africa and the Superior Land of Punt, Ethiopia Superior, the Biblical Garden of Eden in several places, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Pillars of Hercules, the Fountain of Youth, Radium and the golden apples of the Hesperides, and so much more. All of which have been highly sought after for the last hundreds of years. Most people are infatuated with ancient civilizations like Sumer, Egypt, India, Babylon, Ethiopia, etc.  However, those civilizations could never be in the NEW World (the Americas), because this landmass was first discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492, which is what they teach us in school. As a result of most people believing that the Americas is the New World, most people are completely wrong about how old the Americas are and that the said ancient civilizations were also in the Americas too. This book is designed to set the record straight.
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    Asia Major was North America -Khans Paperback
  • Asia Major was North America -Khans The promised Land
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    According to the Webster 1936 Universal Dictionary: American - "an Aboriginal or one of the various copper-colored natives found on the American Continents by the Europeans. The original application of the name was AMURRU." What color is copper? Well, copper is brown and most Black people are brown people, so yes, Blacks are the original Americans, because the definition of American fits our description. Now, that we know that we are the original Americans, aka, Native Americans or American Indians, how can we get our Indigenous Rights back? Well, you have to correct the government contracts that made you a African American or Black. This may sound hard, but it is actually very easy to do now that you are an adult. My simple two part process is self explanatory and it comes with instructions on how to correct those government forms (contracts) that made you Black or African American. You was enslaved by the pen and you can free yourself with the pen. The pen is truly mightier than the sword off the battlefield. Get my process now for  only$200.00 US dollars, but only for a limited time (one week), because the normal selling price is $500.00 US dollars and it is worth every penny and then some more, because being Indigenous ties you back to the land; natives can't be taxed according to the US Constitution; natives have access to certain colleges; access to certain government grants; and you can get benefits (a check) to if you join a federally recognized tribal nation after doing this process.
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    Paperback Cover Paperback cover

    America is the True Old World – Paperback:

    This is destined to rewrite history, due to the topic of this book, if proven correct, because the old world is supposed to be in the East and not in the West. America is the True Old World-eBook reveals the discovery of the Lost Continent of Mu, Atlantis, the Garden of Eden and so much more. This book has 40 color illustrations to highlight the Beauty of the Old World. This eBook is volume I of an IV volume Book series that covers 12 chapters, so there is more to come. Volume I, book Chapters include Chapter 1: America is the True Old World (Vol., I); Chapter 2: India Superior was in North America (Vol., I); and Chapter 3: Ancient Sumer was in the Americas (Vol., I). Please, support me and the research that I have done to write this truly revolutionary Ancient American History book by donating $15.78 to my cause by purchasing the book because this book demonstrates that. America is the True Old World -Paperback is now available for purchase on Amazon. Thank you. This page, “America is the True Old World,” was inspired by my new Ancient American history book, America is the True Old World, by Amunhotep Chavis El-Bey, which is a story of a truth seeker. I always knew deep down inside that our history was not right, because it just didn’t make any sense, since we have been given a one-sided version of history with Africa and the Middle East being the hub of civilization while the West is a New World discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492. How can God create life in Africa and in the Middle East and just totally forget about the Western Hemisphere of the world, i.e., the Americas? I asked myself this question time and time again and it just didn’t make any sense to me, because why would God just create life on one half of the world and not create life everywhere. It was these kinds of questions that sparked my curiosity that led me on this journey of truth to write this Book series, “America is the True Old World.” Everyone has a truth seeker inside of them and may this Book help bring out that Truth Seeker in you! Peace to you and yours. Enjoy this page and my new Book. Thank you.  

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